Reply To: Secular Library – Frum Children

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You throw around the term “the gedolim” like politicians talk of “the people” and activist federal judges speak of “the public interest.” You take an amorphous unidentifiable collective body and personify it by using terms like “shlita” which refers to an identifiable individual, and then use that fiction to prop up your personal views. Your not the first to do it, and I am certain you wont be the last.

BTW, whose “gedolim” are you voting for? obviously not mine; i guess they must be yours. Who are they exactly? what is the basis for their superior authority to my own gedolim, or my own knowledge of the relevant issues? Do they have to demonstrate their superior scholarship, or do you just assume it? what is the basis for this assumption; the color of their coat; the length of their beard; their language; their place of residence; how many things they can assur; how many things they can mattir?

Just wondering . . .