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@ oomis: while we may not be able to have legislation passed in accordance with our ideals and morals, i believe that it makes a statement for the communitiy and possibly for others as well if a community as a united collective takes a stance and votes down on issues it sees as immoral. it’s not for the benefit of the goyim, it’s for our benefit.

@JD4: oh absolutely, it’s not just gay marriage per se, i’m referring to our complete social agenda.

as for what you said about only voting for jewish candidates, please don’t make a fool out of yourself. to your first point, we live in golus. to your second, see what i said to oomis above. rather than being defeatist about it, why not stand strong against the various forms of immorality for our own benefit?

@manishtana: i ask you to leave rabbi levin out of it for 2 reasons. firstly, because we already have a thread to discuss him. secondly, because his methods are undeniably crude and i do not necessarily support HIS actions. his basic premise i agree with though as is evident. i believe that moral issues of society are of equal or greater importance as social services.

“If you knew what liberalism is you would understand they are for freedom from all laws that restrict mankind from whatever he wants.”

that’s libertarianism actually, please don’t question my knowledge of politics when yours is clearly lacking.

the rest of your post makes no sense so i will disregard it. i’m not sure if you are agreeing or disagreeing. yes…i know the conservatives are closer to our agenda than liberals…that was my point…Y U so pugnacious eh?