Reply To: gerrer chasidim rules dring marriage?

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Its knock Gerrer week all the time. I’m constantly subjected to this anti-semitic sinaas chinom from all sides. My family, this includes my brothers and their kids, have no problem being Gerrer chasidim. And my Gerrer coffee smells just fine thank you. These various virulently hateful canards have been spread all over for years. We are all used to it. Most Gerrer basically laugh at it all and ignore it all. The majority of Gerrer are strong talmidei chachomim and this alone irks most yeshivish terribly. And we don’t help ourselves by being elitist but hey we are so too bad. In Israel we’re hated because we have political clout. Too bad. So go right on and spew your hatred. Make up some good stories. Everybody will believe you because everybody wants to believe you. Our shtiebels are well known for no talking during davening. Our shtiebels resound with the sound of Torah. Our bochurim and girls don’t hang out anywhere and are reknowned as BH holy children. And again, laugh and make up whatever myths you want.