Reply To: How can Torah Observant Jews vote Republican with the TeaPartyers taking over?

Home Forums Politics How can Torah Observant Jews vote Republican with the TeaPartyers taking over? Reply To: How can Torah Observant Jews vote Republican with the TeaPartyers taking over?


‘Are you aware that Y”S attacked capitalism as a Jewish conspiracy and as a Jewish evil, just like Marx and Engels before him? Goebbels’ writings are full of vicious condemnations and attacks against the free market.’

This is correct — but being anti-free-market does not make you a socialist. Y”S and other European fascists such as Mussolini, Franco, and Laval believed in the Corporate State in which government aligned itself with the interests of big business and protected them from competition. Clement Attlee and Margaret Thatcher represent two opposite extremes of anti-fascism; one was a socialist and the other a free marketer.

Note that facist does not automatically mean anti-Semite, as the example of Franco shows. But Y”S and Laval certainly were anti-Semites and Mussolini might was well have been given his cooperation with Y”S.

I would add that all the religious parties in Israel were enthusiastic supporters of Ben-Gurion’s socialist economic policies, and with good reasons. The Torah is pretty demanding in terms of its insistence on taking care of all, and puts severe limits on free markets. And had Thatcher-like economic policies been in effect in Israel in the 1950s, it is likely that hundreds of thousands of Jews would have starved to death in the then-poor country.