Reply To: Mi Sheberach for Tzahal

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Darchei Noam

You don’t need a navi to know the zionists caused the Arabs to hate and kill Jews more than the Christians, who for the 1,800 years prior to zionism were killing Jews a lot lot more than the Arabs.

And the question why the prayer doesn’t include ALL the Yidden in E. Yisroel, especially the Torah learners, is indeed a good one. Another good question is why if such a specific prayer was required was it that zionists created it rather than the gedolim.

As far as utilizing zionist infrastructure, the zionists have made it impossible to not utilize it if you live or go to E. Yisroel. And Torah yidden have been living in E. Yisroel before the zionists, and do not have to leave because the zionists contaminated the holy land.