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. . . but is that a reason not to have a tefilah for the men who are putting their lives on the line to protect Klal Yisroel and Eretz Yisroel?

And women, too.


But history has shown what a disaster the whole experiment has been and continues to be despite the many yeshivos, kosel access, etc.

So don’t set foot there. Don’t come, because chas v’shalom you should spend money that would benefit anything in Israel. And what are you basing this marvelous revision of history on?

Darchei Noam:

As far as utilizing zionist infrastructure, the zionists have made it impossible to not utilize it if you live or go to E. Yisroel. And Torah yidden have been living in E. Yisroel before the zionists, and do not have to leave because the zionists contaminated the holy land.

Wow, I’ve never been called a contaminator before. I guess there’s a first time for everything.

By the way, MW13, both of the shules I used to attend in Baltimore made a mi shebayrach every week for the U.S. armed forces, in addition to the one made for the U.S. government.

So what will each of you do after 120 years, when HKB”H asks you why you didn’t live in E”Y? What excuse will you have? What will you answer?

I’ll bet if living here was a chumra, there would be a lot more aliyah.