Reply To: Mi Sheberach for Tzahal

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Nobody seems to be arguing that we shouldn’t seek the welfare of anyone in Israel. Everyone, including the great man who is reviled by Zionists, the Satmar Rav, wants all Jews to be doing well, as evidenced by the story quoted above.

But that is not a reason to say a special mishebeirach. As another poster correctly commented, if you don’t say a weekly mishebeirach for the collective cholim in your local hospital, does that mean you don’t care about them?

The truth is, from the reverence ascribed to Zionism by its adherents, I would think that those people do, in fact, care about the medinah and its agents (who live in a land that Hashem gives “extra protection” to) more than the local cholim who (also) truly need their tefillos.

Again, just because someone is in a makom sakana or any other difficult situation, that doesn’t mean that they deserve a special mishebeirach and not be included in the general tefillos as general members of klal Yisrael. Only because you (incorrectly) ascribe special holiness to the fallacy of Zionism do you feel that they deserve an extra tefilla or two.

PY viseyato: Zionism has been abject failure for a number of reasons. The greatest military in the region is *worthless* if the citizens are not protected from the savages who live there. The horrific carnage CH”V R”L L”A that went on there for years is absolutely unacceptable; in fact, the loss of even one Jew s unacceptable and if your whole raison d’etre is to provide a safe haven for Jews yet these savages were able to spill so much pure blood of our brethren under your protection, then you have failed miserably in your goal.

As well, the point of greatly magnified Arab hatred is one you did not address (because, as a Zionist, you can’t). Things like the Kuran (which does contain much anti-Jewish sentiment and more) and other examples you brought do not translate to the reality of what occurred on the streets of Yerushalayim under Zionist rule and how the Jews live even now under Zionist rule with fences and ultra-security everywhere, etc. The Arabs had their Kuran for over a thousand years, but only once their hatred had been inflamed due to the entire Zionist enterprise, which began well before the actual founding of the State in 1948, did this result in the tremendous increase in hatred, which had such deadly repercussions R”L L”A.

Jews also lived in Arab countries for centuries and did not have anything near this extreme level of hatred directed at them. That’s historical record. Granted, they were dhimmis, second class, etc. and the Arabs did not love them nor shower them with flowers. But it was nothing like what the Arabs have done post-Zionism’s founding.

Of course these savages have no right to murder as they did; that should be obvious to anyone (except, it seems to the nations of the world). But the Zionists were foolish in doing what they did as they knew they were dealing with savages yet their only concern was their State.

So the whole Zionist fallacy is simply not justifiable just because you can have yeshivos and seminaries and access to the Kosel or whatever other wonderful accomplishments the Zionists did achieve. Because it’s not worth sacrificing Jewish lives for any or all of that. Period. That’s the cold hard truth as I understand it.