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BenTorah: You wrote, quoting Rav Hirsch zatz”l…

“Our Sages say G-d imposed three vows when he sent Israel into the wilderness: (1) that the children of Israel shall never seek to reestablish their nation BY THEMSELVES; (2) that they never be disloyal to the nations which have given them shelter; (3) that these nations shall not oppress them excessively (Kesubos 111a).”

In case the response to the Rov’s comments are not obvious, and apparently they are not…

1) Jews did NOT re-establish a Jewish State “by themselves”. There was the British “Balfour declaration” AND more significantly a WORLD body, i.e. the United Nations (which, derech agav, never did anything else worthwhile since it came into existence) declared the right for a Jewish State in Eretz Yisrael. SO, – it was NOT done BY THEMSELVES.

2) The creation of the Jewish State was NOT done through disloyalty to foreign states where Jews live/d. And…

3) Prior to the establishment of the state, there was the little issue of something called “THE HOLOCAUST”, which by any reasonable person’s definition clearly constitutes oppressing the Jewish People “EXCESSIVELY”.

Thus, all three of the obstacles mentioned, that would prevent re-constituting a Jewish state, have been eliminated.

It is clear that Israel is NOT the Torah state it should (and someday soon iy”H) WILL be, BUT -anyone who can not see the yad HaSh-m both in the birth of the state (especially just a few years after the Holocaust), and in its continued existence in the midst of a sea of blood-thirsty Pereh-adam yishmaelim, has to be blind.