Reply To: Shmiras Ainayim & OTD

Home Forums Controversial Topics Shmiras Ainayim & OTD Reply To: Shmiras Ainayim & OTD


you know, when a non frum student asks me why I am doing what I am doing, how I know it’s true, and really makes me question my beliefs and see where they came from, many times the answer is: I never thought about it, I just do it because I grew up that way (if I am honest with myself) and I grew up in a Kiruv home and do it myself. I can have all the answers, but deep down I have not looked into my own religion enough and so I would assume the majority of frum people are like me…not a good recipe for successful frumkeit and relationship with Hashem. We all need to dig deep and see why we do what we do and how do we really develop a relationship with Hashem (that doesn’t involve pain or death or health problems as the main connection). I think we need kiruv professionals for in-reach…because I bet most people wouldn’t be able to honestly answer these 18 year old not frum student’s questions…