Reply To: Yated, Hamodia, Jewish Press? What Is Your Choice?

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mw13, Thank you. I appreciate your kind compliment, even if I am not quite so deserving of it.

Wolf, I don’t believe any of them present themselves as being under the authority of any gadol/gedolim, nor as endorsed by the same.

However, HaModia does give me the impression that it is run by people who are in close connection to some unknown Torah institution (and its leader(s)) and are, therefore, more strict with what they write or don’t write, etc., while Yated seems to be more independent and run by the publisher’s personal hashkafa with, I imagine, some input from whomever he feels he should be shoel eitzah from. I do respect both, personally.

The Jewish Press, on the other hand, seems to do whatever the publisher feels is appropriate, which I also respect.