Reply To: How To Convince A Non Jew To Throw Out Their TV

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GAW, don’t be naive, there are lots of non-jews who don’t watch TV

I’m well aware. This is just running off the other post about TV, and how TV is really different than other “outside influences”.

My main reason is that TV is something that you end up revolving your life around, whether it is the latest episode of House that you have to be home for at (whenever it it shown, I have no idea) or the world series that you can’t go to learn, or even relax or out to eat, because you need to watch the screen.

The great intellectual/social/moral decline has accompanied the advent and development of TV, and while the lines of causality are not complete, there are plenty of strong hints.

Causality is not a requirement as long as there is correlation (I sound like a statistic:( It goes along (but is not restricted to)with the general idea of having things come to you (entertainment in this case) instead of having to work for them.