How To Convince A Non Jew To Throw Out Their TV

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    We all know that TV can have bad things on it, and that the Gedolim fought to ban TV’s in homes.

    As a thought question, if you had the job (given to you B’nevuah from Hashem) to convince a non jewish person (athiest) to get rid of their TV, what would you say?

    Remember, you can not invoke any religious arguments or points. That will not work with an athiest.

    Avram in MD

    Set up a video camera on top of the TV to record yourself while you watch (with no sound), and then play back the video and think about how much time you spent sitting and staring.


    1) Its a waste of electricity

    2) There is a lot of religious programming that your kids will inadvertently be exposed to. Do you really want to expose them to that? Many shows have religious episodes (Christmas, Easter etc). Do you want them to be indoctrinated? (does this break your rule?)

    3) TV doesn’t inspire creativity in children. Is creates kids who are lumps, don’t use their brains and don’t get excersize because they are sitting there entertained without doing anything.

    4) TV is likely to harm your vision if you watch too much.

    5) Often, people leave the TV on too loud and can cause partial deafness.

    This is fun – I love arguing the other side.


    2) There is a lot of religious programming that your kids will inadvertently be exposed to. Do you really want to expose them to that? Many shows have religious episodes (Christmas, Easter etc). Do you want them to be indoctrinated? (does this break your rule?)

    Didn’t think of that one. LOL!


    I would offer him $50 dollars less than I was being paid, if he would get rid of his TV.

    Alternatively, I would threaten to break his kneecaps unless he gets rid of it.


    GAW, don’t be naive, there are lots of non-jews who don’t watch TV. They have already named it the “idiot box” the “boob tube” and other such titles. Many people find it a waste of time, an insult to their intelligence and just stam an exercise in poor taste. For whatever reason people choose to have one or not they have their reasons and they don’t need other people to convince them one way or another. People have the right to choose.

    What would it take to convince you to get rid of your internet? Just asking.


    Groucho Marx once famously remarked that he found TV very educational. Whenever someone would turn it on, he’d leave the room and go read a book.


    There is very little that is worthwhile or even entertaining to watch on TV these days. Plus, the more you watch, the more likely you are to become obese or get insufficient exercise, even if you do not gain much weight.


    There are studies that show that it actually alters the brain, and dumbs you down. The great intellectual/social/moral decline has accompanied the advent and development of TV, and while the lines of causality are not complete, there are plenty of strong hints. and it seems that modern TV exposed children are way less educatable. I read a tread about the alarm in the armed services and in business regarding the quality of new inductees/hires. One guy said he gave a temporary opening to a new worker, who came on time, stayed on task, got along well with others and actually produced. He move the worker to full fime. Workers age: 55.


    GAW, don’t be naive, there are lots of non-jews who don’t watch TV

    I’m well aware. This is just running off the other post about TV, and how TV is really different than other “outside influences”.

    My main reason is that TV is something that you end up revolving your life around, whether it is the latest episode of House that you have to be home for at (whenever it it shown, I have no idea) or the world series that you can’t go to learn, or even relax or out to eat, because you need to watch the screen.

    The great intellectual/social/moral decline has accompanied the advent and development of TV, and while the lines of causality are not complete, there are plenty of strong hints.

    Causality is not a requirement as long as there is correlation (I sound like a statistic:( It goes along (but is not restricted to)with the general idea of having things come to you (entertainment in this case) instead of having to work for them.


    GAW, the VCR (and the even better DVR) can automatically record whatever you want and you can watch it whenever you want. No need to be a slave to your TV! (OK maybe this doesn’t belong in the thread about how to throw your TV out LOL)


    GAW, most people do not revolve their life around TV. That would be people who really don’t have a LIFE to begin with.


    GAW, the VCR (and the even better DVR) can automatically record whatever you want and you can watch it whenever you want. No need to be a slave to your TV! (OK maybe this doesn’t belong in the thread about how to throw your TV out LOL)

    But what happens when someone tells you the score 🙂

    Granted, I thought of this reason before they came out with all these new contraptions (and there was no cable, let alone DVR).


    I would go with the waist of time, think of how many more useful things you could do when not watching TV angle.

    Of course there are days when I get home from work so tired that doing something productive is the last think I want to spend 2 hours on, even if I should be working on my book.


    I would show them Mayim Bialik’s latest article against watching TV.


    “How To Convince A Non Jew To Throw Out Their TV”

    Why would you want to? If they are busy with MLB, NFL,Nascar, DWTS, American Idol and the other million options available, they won’t be busy worrying about Jews. if the evangelicals didn’t have Nascar and footbal to keep them busy all weekend, what do you think they will be busy with? I say. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.


    How about a Jew ?


    I would show them Mayim Bialik’s latest article against watching TV.

    SJS, not funny. I just read it and I kid you not, as I was reading it, I kept thinking how your type of article it is.

    And I agree. Its a very good article, definitely worth reading.


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