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mw13, yes. You follow the Torah. Here in my neighborhood the Rabbonim together as a vaad decided to boycott a certain supermarket because the head of the Vaad Hakashrus had an issue with the owner. Now mind you it was never a kashrus issue, they had a personality clash and the supermarket was owned by 4 siblings and he really had it out for the oldest sibling. It got so bad that it came to a head and the head of the Vaad accused him of not being a Shomer Shabbat which was neither here nor there because even though he was, the other family members and owners were as well and it was just a bunch of loshan harah. It really divided the neighborhood and the Rabbonim had to take up the position supporting the Vaad Hakashrus. It went to the point that the THEY forced the family to sell the store. One of the NEW owners of the store just happens to be a Rabbi in the community, a member of the Vaad Harabonim and a member of the Vaad Hakashrus.

How does that sit with you? To me that is a conflict of interest. And that certainly turns me off to following the Rabbonim. So I follow the Torah and one or two Rabbonim that I still trust and believe me after working in the field of Child Advocacy and fighting child molestation you learn very quickly that there are not too many Rabbonim that you can trust. Rabbonim support Rabbonim right or wrong, as we saw in the Monsey case just recently (and I am not going to mention names).