Reply To: Some basic Halacha that is ignored in 100% of shuls by 99% of the Kahal

Home Forums Bais Medrash Some basic Halacha that is ignored in 100% of shuls by 99% of the Kahal Reply To: Some basic Halacha that is ignored in 100% of shuls by 99% of the Kahal


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” I asked your question to (excepted) ….. someone and the person said a Rov told him that nowadays its not a problem because people don’t really have Kavana by davening. So the Shechina doesn’t come so its no problem. I want your opinion. Is this a valid Heter or a mistake ……… Thanks Dear : I have no idea. I have never heard that idea before. The Halacha seems to be quite clear and I am not familiar with a source in Halacha that says that a lack of Kavanah means that the Halacha is not applicable. Best regards, Rabbi” See Shut Tzitz Elezer Vol 9 Siman 8, where he uses this Svara as a factor. Also notes in Piske Teshuvos 102, there may be others. I have no access to the other Sefarim, L’Horos Noson etc. cited there