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Be Happy

I am fighting cancer at the moment. I hope one day soon soon to add myself to the list of survivors. Just some points that I thought I might share with you to help us win this fight!

All of you out there who are well please remember, we are not contaminated. I can’t tell you how many people walk past me or pretend I’m not there. I understand fully that you don’t know what to say. How about “so nice to see you, or I like your shietel.” Please don’t ask me my prognosis or where I am up to in treatment etc. I don’t expect you to tell me your medical history!

Please don’t say “ring me if you need me.” I won’t.

I can’t tell you how much I appreciate those who regularly call me, even if it’s for a short hi! There are some who say I was scared to call you. Why? The worst is I can’t come to the phone or it’s not a good time. A friendly phone call really breaks the day.

I bensch those friends and neighbours who brought/bring plain cooked foods – chicken, fish salads.

I have one friend (I never really knew her before) who brings me Cd’s. Another friend brings me light reading material.

Please don’t tell me how bad I look. Don’t tell me that this a punishment….

B”H I am doing well and stay positive. Bezras Hashem, Moshiach should come and bring all of us Yeshuos and refuos with the geulo shleimo.