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i hope every one had a good rosh hashana. now comes the scary day , yom kippur. the reason i fear that day is because hashem makes his final decision on that day and its scary. a few years ago i never even thought about it just that hopefully HE will give me a good year with enough parnassa, and help me with my special needs children but then when i got hit with my cancer oh boy was that a different story. now i dont take anything for granted and try my hardest to do the right things but at times its hard and when people say nasty things ( i know they dont mean it ) its very hard to keep quiet and not retort something in return. just recently someone pretty important told me that i should try to work on my memory (that what got affected by the cancer-one of the many things that did) and slowly my memory will come back. i was very hurt and tried to explain that i first of all am not interested in getting a heart attack or nervous breakdown in trying to work my brain- what a load of hogwash i mean really i dont have the right side of my brain the surgeon removed all of it ITS HOLLOW DONT PEOPLE UNDERSTAND!!!!! so instead of stressing myself and getting sick i called my social worker from the dept of health and asked him to explain that that would be immpossible. i just dont understand why people are so so so mean and “Helpful”