Reply To: Dose of reality: Kids kicked out of school

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Yes home and school is a partnership yet most parents don’t see it that way. They think they are off the hook and its all up to the school.

Let’s get real, yeshivos are broke, parents are cheap on tuition and Rabbeim make about $30,000 a year and have on average 25-30 students.

You expect more from the school? When parents start paying tuition IN FULL then maybe we can have dialogue about what schools can do differently.

Training Mechanchim costs BIG BUCKS they need to know child psychology which also means significant time spent on educating these mechanchim. Mechanchim should be better trained and also better paid. What we ask of our Rabbeim and teachers isn’t fair. You want them to be able to handle all types of kids and get paid $30,000 a year?! Pay him $90,000 and supply him with an education/training. Then we can talk! Until people put their money for their kids tuition before all else, we won’t see any changes.

Oh and for the record, if a kid sees that his tuition isn’t that important to his parents what message does that show?