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Far more worrisome and likely more often it is not a case of drugs, porn, talking/hanging our with boy/girl. Consider the following scenario, names and places deleted to protect the victim and the abuser. Say there is a 16yo girl, doing something ok in all innocence but it appears to the not fully informed yenta that chaos and mayhem are afoot. The false report gets to the Menaheles’s ears,the student is called to the kangaroo interrogation and sent home. The Menaheles has listened to lashon hara, and acted to the child’s detriment and endangermment. The 16yo knows this, because that this is an elementary lesson in lhr that was taught to her well over the years. This telegraphs a message to the child that only the strongest will not succumb to. Does this happen. You bet.

Case two: Parents of perfectly comported young lady happen to live in a large spiffy house above the Jerusalem average standard, and horror of horrors, the own a car, and are anglophones to boot. Poppa teaches in a yeshiva and mother works. The young lady is one day summarily kicked out. Poppa calls in but is stonewalled. After a week of banging on doors, he is admitted to a meeting where the headmistress pantomimes indicating her solid information that they own a TV (they don’t), and she doesn’t budge. Miffed, Poppa starts pulling strings, and thankfully he has connection to some muscular Rabbanim that force the headmistress to back down. 16yo readmitted armed with the realization that THE BIG REBBITZEN acts on innuendo. Weeks later, the 16yo’s 3rd grade sister ( same institution)) is summarily kicked out. Again, outside forces must be brought to bear on the school. 16 year old learns and indelible lesson that her superiors engage in lashon hara and have a flair for nekama. 3rd grader gets an early lesson in tzaddik ve’rah lo. There are of course two sides to every story, but clearly, there are people is positions of authority that can be hazardous to our childrens neshomos.