Reply To: Labels And Tzinus

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I apologize if you took my words the wrong way. I never intended to say that all wealthy people act this way. That is a gross overstatement, something which I try to stay away from. On the other hand, there are enough people who act this way that makes it a problem.


Yes, I agree that these people have class. I don’t care if you spend crazy amounts of money on clothes, just don’t flaunt it by needing to show the label. The most expensive brand names actually do not have labels or symbols. This is because they are intended for the classy members of society who are “fortunate” enough to be able to afford them.

And about the shopping- I never claimed that I don’t own any brand names. But I never pay a lot of money for what I wear. If I can buy a sweater in Target for $30, or I could find one on sale in Macy’s or Lord and Taylor for $35, then yeah- I’m gonna go for the brand name. Show me one person who wouldn’t.