Reply To: Not Even A Thank You After All The Chesed I Did For Them?!

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Not Even A Thank You After All The Chesed I Did For Them?! Reply To: Not Even A Thank You After All The Chesed I Did For Them?!



I get that but the point is an act of Chesed is expecting and accepting nothing in return. This vort is about the person doing the Chessed. If the lack of a thank you bothers you, then your Chesed is lacking in Lishma that’s the vort. Chesed is a Mitzvah that Hashem commanded us to do, doing Chesed is emulating Hashems ways. You don’t do Chesed so the person should like you or be your friend. Or so people should think you are nice. At the end of the day its really only between you and Hashem.

Yes people have to be a mentch but its not your job to demand it or expect it of them. We need to get to the point where we don’t even care if we got a thank you. In fact if you don’t get a thank you then you did the best form of Chesed because you got nothing in return as we see from Rivkah!