Reply To: Over-Educated Girls

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As an overeducated woman (there is, by the way, no such thing) and coming from a family of overeducated women (we are all doctors, lawyers, dentists and cpas) im amazed to hear the stupidity that is coming from people. Firstly, i was married by the age of 21 which i dont think is old and none of the prof women i know – and i knwo many – were married older than 23). Secondly choosing to have fewer kids is a personal decision and maybe a brighter one at that – Im choosing to have only as many children as I can afford meaning i pay full tuition for camp and school and dont accept medicaide welfare etc. maybe its because im educated that i can come to the conclusion that the goal is to have a happy family not to have as many kids as your body will allow while you worry about the bills every month because neither you nor your husband are making a living bec its not kosher to go to school (gd forbid someone should go to college or heavens no medical school!!!). the reason why so many yeshivos are in debt is because no one is making a living. i knwo the recession has hurt a lot of pple but what about before the recession? what about the women (and of course men) who felt no need to go to college and grade school so they can better provide for their families? isnt this one reason why so many yeshivos have no money for mortgages and salaries? stop considering an educated girl over educated, instead look at her as a prize. And an educated girl doesnt want your uneducated son to ride on her coat tails. go to school and make something of yourself so you have something to give to future generations….