Reply To: Over-Educated Girls

Home Forums Family Matters Over-Educated Girls Reply To: Over-Educated Girls


Charlie Hall: You state from Rav Soloveitchik Zt”l that he paskened that women have ‘chiyuv’ to actually study gemorah; are you implying that Jewish women over the past millennium have repeatedly transgressed this obligation by merely practicing halachos w/o actually studying them inside from their sources?

Also pretty interesting to me that you believe that following blindly a Rav’s instructions constitutes a Mitzvah never mind an obligation, especially when it runs counter to what it states in the Gemorah which I quoted above that women are NOT obligated to actually study gemorah in depth.

My Friend: Women are not prohibited from learning Gemorah, it’s not any different from Mitzvos Sh’zman Grama which women are not obligated in, but may nevertheless practice on their own will.