Reply To: Over-Educated Girls

Home Forums Family Matters Over-Educated Girls Reply To: Over-Educated Girls


“However, the MO way of thinking and perception of Judaism seems likewise very shallow/superficial to us Chareidim.”

Do you understand it? Ever attend a shiur by Rabbis Schachter or Willig or Rosensweig or Linzer? Or read any of the many writings of Rabbi Lichtenstein?

“The same Rav Ahron that said (and is written in his Mishnas Rabi Ahron, vol. 3, in his Hesped for the Brisker Rov) that the essence of Modern Orthodoxy is the same as the Reform and Conservative. “

OTOH he also had Rav Soloveitchik as the featured speaker at the very first Chinuch Atzmai fundraising dinner. And Rav Kotler deferred to Rav Soloveitchik on at least one importent public policy matter, on a bill in the US Congress that might have affected kashrut in the US. Could you ever imagine him deferring to Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan?