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WIY, I can’t see what warrants this disgusting behavior towards The Wolf, shown by you and Mod80 in the other thread. He asked a perfectly legitimate question and you guys don’t stop yelling ridiculous things at him. There is no mention in the Gemara or Medrash of what you say. You found a site quoting Josephus, that’s all. Josephus is not Chazal, he is just as reliable as any other historian. He relied on folklore like any historian. Would you believe his depiction of how Alexander The Great was born, too?
It so happens that the Maharal writes that she didn’t jump, she asked Hashem to take her life, and He did.
I also didn’t like The Wolf’s writing about why he lost his Olam Habba, and it confuses my understanding of his position and seriousness, but that is equaled by your arrogance.