Reply To: My new "shtick" that Im trying to get others into…

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar My new "shtick" that Im trying to get others into… Reply To: My new "shtick" that Im trying to get others into…


Sean Ben Noach

You are certainly welcome. I try my best to treat all people as human beings and not discriminate against anyone or be racist. Theres even a Muslim man I say good morning to whenever I see him. However you should realize that because Orthodox Jews try hard to maintain their identity as Jews and avoid slipping in their observance many will avoid non Jews like the plague or maybe find it easier to look down at them as a means to avoid doing anything improper and coming to mingle with non Jews which would lead them to compromise on their Mitzvah observance. Im just saying this as a possible defense on their part even though its still a bad approach and in reality Jews should strive to be a light unto the nations and treat all people with the respect they deserve.