Reply To: My new "shtick" that Im trying to get others into…

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar My new "shtick" that Im trying to get others into… Reply To: My new "shtick" that Im trying to get others into…


Thank you WIY,

I agree with you that, Heaven forbid, a Jew would slip in their observance due to negative influences, this would of course be unacceptable! Accepting unkosher lifestyles, being influenced by them, as you certainly understand, is a big difference from treating people with kindness.

As a non-Jew, I have to work very hard to not be influenced by the secular culture around me. I certainly can be sympathetic to avoiding evil “like the plague”…

At the same time, I see people all around me disenfranchised by the religions they have grown up in, I was one of them! Who is going to tell them about the true G-d of Torah? It sounds like a job for a Priestly nation called to be a light to the Nations… Do you happen know any of those? 🙂

It starts with a smile. It starts with a “Good Shabbos” in passing. Those people will know that you are approachable, kind and obviously religious and proud of it. They aren’t going to assume that a “Good Shabbos” means, let’s go to McDonald’s together, but rather “That Jewish guy was nice”.

Sean Ben Noach