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Soright, my gut reaction was, and the workplace is better for the women, and the parents who have to keep deferring retirement to keep their families afloat?

But then I read on. And I’m torn. I realize that the olam haTorah is infinitely sweeter but why not be a bit more upbeat, so instead of going to work thinking, this is insane, this is terrible, one can say, hareini muchan imezuman to earn an honorable living, support my family in a Torahdik home, share of my bounty with others, etc. Much better for the blood pressure.

At the recent Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation for women, one of the women spoke movingly about this. A group of businessmen came to the Chofetz Chaim asking for chizuk on staying shtark in the workplace. They figured they’d be urged to take on, say, extra learning. The Chofetz Chaim said that he had a plan that wouldn’t involve an extra moment of their time. It’s this mindset, that every action has mitzvah and kiddush Hashem potential.

I’m not doing this justice but I don’t have time to check my notes. Maybe someone else can expand on this.

And I think a LOT of young men would benefit from working half day, learning half (actually more, there’s the evening too) day. It would very likely maximize their learning time. If a seed could be planted in the minds of young men who don’t see themselves as klei kodesh…