Reply To: Yeshiva v College (Gavra)

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“I highly doubt there was even a small minority of university education during the times of the rishonim (AND TO THEN BECOME A RISHON???!!!!) especially since anti-semetism was rampant in those days.”

Yes, anti-Semitism was rampant, but less so in Italy than in Western and Eastern Europe. All the examples I’ve found of Jews attending university in pre-modern times were in Italy or the Muslim world. Most Christian universities did not permit Jews to enroll.

Sforno earned a medical degree at the University of Rome. You can look it up.

Rambam is considered to be an alumnus by the University of Al-Karaouine in Fez, Morocco, although at that time universities in the Muslim world did not grant formal degrees. He studied Greek and Islamic philosophy there (and in his later writings argues on both).

“you’re better off going to yeshiva halfday and university the other than YU”

The YU undergraduate program (for men) is yeshiva the first part of the day and university in the afternoon. How is YU less kosher than other universities?

“you have quoted the only 3 gedolim in history who ever did “

Rambam and Sforno weren’t gedolim?

Rav Hildesheimer, Rav Herzog, Rav Hutner, and the Lubavicher Rebbe weren’t gedolim????