Reply To: Crazy Kabbalah Co-Workers

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I am feeling encouraged to share my own personal rant here, since it reminds me of how little patience I also have at “weird non jewish customs” making their way into our communities.

Has anyone ever heard of dowling? Well just go look it up on wikipedia or google it and you’ll see it comes from some sort of witchcraft. Well, its making its way into our charedi little shetel as I recently had a neighbor tell me how she went to a heimishe lady for a “DOWLING SESSION”. This lady does it for parnassah. It entails swinging a stick or rod around and in which manner it will move or swing she “reads & interprets” to give answers. Their Rav/Dayan said “as long as its for a refuah its ok”, according to her.

Or how about all these weird segulos like melting some ring or engraving soemthing on it and then your 3 wishes are granted or some bs like that.

I am also angry about Yoga. Its full Avodas Zara. Its roots are deep in idol worship. THere are plenty of other exercises out there. In one Jewish Community Y, they had a teacher leading the yoga class but before you knew what was happening she was describing this “Gentle stretch over” to be like we are now worshipping the sun.???