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esther- refua shleima may you be soche to be alwaya bsimcha and always able to be msamaioch others,.i wish u a speedy recovery. may you and all of kllal yisrael only have simchas!

also about this compliment thing so here is my story:

there is this girl that i am in school with and it happens to be that we daven in the same room. i was never really friends with her and still not at all but she changed my way of davening. last yeat she sat right near me and the way she davened was unbeleivable. this seating arrangement was “random”. and this year they put us according to our hebrew names in order. and i am right next to her aagain! im telling you that the exxtent of her impact on me holds not only in school but at shul and home too. whenever i daven i feel as if she is right next to me and my davening is so diff! i bentch this girl she should only have bracha in her life. but- I CANT COME TO TELL THIS TO HER FACE tell me if im nuts but if u barely ever speak to her and not friends how should i do it?

second: i was in a store in flatbush and i saw a more modern looking girl and she was looking to buuy. it doesnt matter what the style was but it wasnt too beffiting. and in front of her friends she said NO i wont buy it! i was so impressed i wanted to stick a note in her urse, but who would actually do it? i just coulnt go adn do it! may we only have to give compliments and brachos!