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I don’t harp on the girls or their parents, (though it is by far and away the girls and their parents who are overwhelming the shadchanim).

Ultimately it is the girls AND boys (and their parents) who should compensate whomever it is spends time and effort to get their child a date.

However, the present reality is such that the boys parents are in the drivers seat and are not ready to do it as by and large they will just have someone else redd them a shidduch. The girls (and their parents) who stand to benefit are also not so likely to do it because its a new idea.

THE COMMUNITY is the perfect place to get this set up. The places that have done is so far have been very happy with the results.

PAY to play? I think not.

Don’t be a chazer is more like it!

You benefited from someones else’s time and effort-

Show them you appreciate it!

You wouldn’t think of not compensating a plumber, electrician or anyone else providing a service, why is is so acceptable that a shadchan who got your child a quality date is treated like a piece of dirt.

APY-sorry-THAT is just plain wrong.

In fact the people most likely to show their appreciation to someone who redds their child a shidduch are the POORER people. It has something to do with a sense of entitlement. The more you think it’s coming to your child to be redd a shidduch the less likley you are to appreciate the person who puts in the effort to do so!