Reply To: Should A Yid Own A Gun? Or Not?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Should A Yid Own A Gun? Or Not? Reply To: Should A Yid Own A Gun? Or Not?


To: ronrsr…

You wrote…

“If a responsible head of household does not feel comfortable with a gun, or if he/she doubts his ability to react well in a panic situation, that person should do the responsible thing and NOT own a gun.”

I do agree with you, – but only partially.

Yes, the kind of person you described probably should NOT own a gun. BUT, – I do think a parent who is responsible for the safety of his family, should take it upon himself to get gun training so that he WILL feel comfortable with a gun, and so that he wont doubt his ability to react properly in a panic situation.

No normal person ever wants to have to confront an intruder in his home, but if chas v’chalila, the situation does arise, one should be prepared for it.