Reply To: Should A Yid Own A Gun? Or Not?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Should A Yid Own A Gun? Or Not? Reply To: Should A Yid Own A Gun? Or Not?



In earlier comments I explained that though I do NOT “have a loaded gun in my night table”, I DO have an UNloaded gun and (seperately) a mag of ammo, both safely out of sight, but both where I can grab them and load my weapon in less than 60 seconds from my hearing the sound of a possible break-in.

As far as giving them what they want…

That’s fine IF all they want is your money or jewelry,

BUT, – sometimes they want your wife or your daughter (ha’mayveen yaveen) and your life/lives.

THAT is why I’m such a strong believer in…

Better to have it and never need it

Than need it and not have it.

THAT is why I try to urge others

to HAVE firearms (and b’ezrat HaSh-m, NEVER need to use them.)