Reply To: Would you marry a smoker?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Would you marry a smoker? Reply To: Would you marry a smoker?


How can a parent responsibly allow their child to smoke?

If you say “they are out of the house/away in yeshiva” then

a)why isn’t your parental teachings impacting them? We learn about Yosef seeing an image of his father and it prevented him from doing aveiros…

b)maybe they shouldn’t be out of supervision at this point in their maturity level?

Why is it “ok” (it shouldn’t be) in the yeshivish world for men to smoke but not women?

For those who smoke regularly (pack a day type): If you can support that habit, especially when prices are so high and there are so many taxes on it, then maybe you are wealthy enough to pay full tuition?

If you can stop because of shabbos/yom kippur than why can’t you stop the rest of the time? 25 hours is a long time…

Tell me- is there any reputable Rav in today’s world who says it is muttar to smoke? to start to smoke? I have heard of many rabbanim who said it is assur to start smoking. For those who started before the consequences were well-known, they are michuyav to do their best to stop.