Reply To: Dor Yesharim

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I am not saying we shouldn’t all do DY but I have a question on it.

Yes, no one wants to be the “couple with the child who has….” but aren’t we doing Klal Yisroel a big disfavor because in a couple of generations, everyone, or almost everyone, will be carriers? I spoke this over with people who understand genetics. they said it is not great for everyone to do DY because of this. We are only postponing the inevitable, as unless our grandchildren (or great grandkids) will all marry geirim, too many will be carriers. We are just awaiting a cure to be found, rather than solving anything. Since frum yidden only marry other frum yidden, our gene pool is smaller than other societies and our families are all genetically closer than others. This is especially true in certain sub-societies, like certain chasidish groups, who will only marry others of that same group.

any ideas on this? Other than everyone having their children become genetic researchers to look for a cure. Tay-Sachs is mainly a Jewish disease and therefore those in the general society do not have such a large stake in finding a cure for it, rather than say a cure for cancer or diabetes which impacts almost every person (name a person who does not know one person with either of those two diseases).