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CutiePie –

Like Smartcookie said, 80% of the things you’re worried about will solve themselves a week or two after shevah brachos, much if the other 10% within the next few months.

As for the last 10%… well, I’m going on almost 25 years of marraige, and I’m still working on that.

And yes, when it works (as is the case 99.9% of the time) it is VERY good. Don’t for one minute think otherwise. Part of what is scaring you (and many young people) is the fact that so far, most things are handed to you (clothing, food, trips, housing, ect) so you’re afraid of what its like to “earn” these things on your own steam. But take it from me; nothing gives you the satisfaction of doing something on your own.

Imagine setting your own Shabbos table, and most things on it were cooked / baked by you. Now inagine the look on your husband’s face when he walks in from shul and sees what you’ve done.

Now imagine the look on your husband’s face when he walks trhu the door with his first paycheck. Then imagine the look on YOUR face when he buys you something with the money that HE earned.

That’s what marraige can be like.. if you both work towards it.