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The number 1 reason for divorce is – marriage.
OK, this is really not a funny topic. I think that people get married for the wrong reasons nowadays, they are not realistic about what marriage entails, and they have seminary stars in their eyes. when reality sets in, they realize that a) they really do NOT know each other very well, and the people who said they would learn to love each other AFTER marriage might not always be right and b) doing a superb job of supporting one’s husband in kollel while simultaneously raising a family is something only a very few women are really cut out to do, no matter WHAT your Morah told you and c) marriage takes the work and commitment of BOTH parties, no one can be married alone. This eye-opening experience can have a negative effect on otherwise nice people, and they realize they married for the wrong reasons at the wrong time. Societal pressures on the religious girls, sometimes push them into early marriages before they are ready. Some guys are pushed to get married, when they are inexperienced in how to take charge of their own lives. Being in the Beis Medrash all day can be very insular for many, and it is a shock to the system when they discover, Yes, Virginia, there IS a household budget.