Reply To: A Random Shaale Halocho Lemaaseh

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There is a long discussion between Rav Mordechai Elyahu and Rav Eliezer Waldenberg brought down in the Tzitz Eliezer whether you can be Yotzei with the Ba’al Korei/ if you can read it once, do Targum once, and then be Yotzei Shomeah Keone with the Ba’al Korei. There are definitely Shittos that hold that the order is not Me’akeiv while most seem to hold that it is.

As an aside, the Shittah of the Ra’avan is brought down by several modern Poskim that Shnayim Mikra is just an Eitzah Tovah. Many B’nei Yeshivah who spend all of their time learning Gemara rely on this to learn Gemara instead of Chumash.