Reply To: If I had it all to do over, I'd do _______________ for Parnasa

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee If I had it all to do over, I'd do _______________ for Parnasa Reply To: If I had it all to do over, I'd do _______________ for Parnasa


Aishes Chayil, can you clarify?

Pharmacutical companies:

Own pharmacutical companies or invest in them?

Health care providers:

I imagine you mean doctors and nurses, anything else? I’ve heard that self-employed doctors are not doing that well because of malpractice insurance. Those who arent self employed dont do that well, period, and have huge student loans to repay. Many nurses cant find jobs.

Financial services:

Accountants? I dont think so, many are out of work. Stock brokers, same. Financial planners, not that many very wealthy people these days.

Am I missing something?