Reply To: Primary cause for Frum Divorces revisited.

Home Forums Family Matters Primary cause for Frum Divorces revisited. Reply To: Primary cause for Frum Divorces revisited.


bein_hasdorim: Thank you.

“Obviously we are not talking about a parent getting involved when there is an actual problem e.g. abuse verbally or physical,

not providing financial, emotional support, etc…”

I believe the experts are referring to these cases as well. How does an all caring parent know that’s the truth and its not a figment of their imagination. Was at a wedding where the kallahs mom scram at the chosson that he is a “control freak” on the way out for heading to a hotel (a Jewish one) the night of the chassuna. She wanted them to go to the basement next door she arraigned. So whos the “control freak”?

If a caring MIL/FIL sees a concern, they should bite their tongue and head right over to their rov or therapist to get advise on how to proceed. And if need be, get some counseling for THEMSELVES.