Reply To: Elter Zeida & Elter Bubbe; Uncle's & Aunt's

Home Forums Family Matters Elter Zeida & Elter Bubbe; Uncle's & Aunt's Reply To: Elter Zeida & Elter Bubbe; Uncle's & Aunt's


in my family its Bobby and Zaidy (Zay-de)_______(last name)(2 SETS) and my aunts and uncles are uncle_____ (first name) and Tanta_____ (first name) my neices and nephews call my parents just Bobby and Zaidy- and they call me and my siblings by our names- but when someone tells them something they say tell tanta ____ ( first name)… and same with uncle- that way they realize they still have to have respect and you are older- its quite funny when my nephew and my first cousins son play together cuz then my mother is Tanta____ to one and Bobby to the other so when they are together my first cuosins son calls my mother _____’s bobby- cuz he knows its the same person and my aunt is known as savta to her grandchlidren so my neices and nephews call her savta too- cuz they dont have any other savtas!!!! the funniest is one of my cuzins kids calls her gramdmother bobby even though she knows shes savta- and she keeps on getting corrected cuz she knows it annoyes her- and makes everyone else laugh!!! and shes only two!!!