Reply To: how young is too young to married

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they will need to make maternity uniform (unless she won’t be accepted to school anymore)

First of all- in israel it’s normal to be in school until 20 & MOST girls are married by then.

Yes, they do continue school after marriage, & yes, they do sit in those desks while in maternity!(I have a friend there)

This is real life there.

& about the age:

First of all, the couple was engaged by 15, will get married by 16, & that makes it at least 17 before their baby.

This is very young, but 17 isn’t 15.

Anyway ,you all have to understand that in Meah Shearim, getting married young is their lifestyle.

The kids grow up so differently knowing that they’re almost at marrigeable age!

The 15 year olds there are a lot more mature than american 15 year olds.

It’s not so bad as you all make it. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s insane, but you people are judging them very wrong.

It’s ok. I’m sure they’ll be fine & very happy