Reply To: Egypt Uprising & The Shidduch Crises

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There are certain groups of people in every society, who don’t like their social status. This was the basis of socialism and communism. Here in America we have such groups also whom believe they should get something for nothing. They don’t revolt like they did in the sixties because they are fed welfare and other many social services. This uprising can have one of three possible outcomes either Egypt becomes more democratic, which is the least likely scenario. The other two are about equal -either Mubarak remains in power or they become another Iran. As much as I am against violence against protesters, it seems if they don’t use force right now, they will sink into another Iran. American leaders have no concept of the mentality of the people that live over there. They think they all can be a great democratic country, like us. My proof is look at history, the Shah of Iran was hated by the people. When the Students revolted, the US pressured the Shah to leave. He did and not only did democracy not take over, but it remains the center of radical muslims today. Iran is about to threaten world peace with their development of nukes. If Egypt falls because of these demonstrations, the students aren’t taking over the gov.; it will be the Muslim Brotherhood and the radicals. How do I know? Maybe muslim radicals are capable of sitting in a democratic gov.? Well here is another example -Lebanon. Hizbollah has been sitting in the Lebanese gov. democratically for years. But now they wanted to bring some terrorists to justice for murder of the former Prime Minister. What happenned -Hizbollah broke the gov. This is their version of democracy -you do any violence against us -this is a crime, but we can do anything against you and we are freedom fighters. This new power will threaten world peace immediately, it’s not going to take them 30 years like Iran. It won’t just threaten Israel, but the whole West! Now you know why we need conservatives to lead our country, not liberals like we have- calling for mercy on the students. Isolationism never worked and this was the reason we almost lost both World Wars. We need real leadership in the White House right now, not people who are falling over backwards to be PC. We need to tell Mubarack that in no certain terms anarchy can’t be permitted. They must stop it, even if innocents unfortunately become victims and then they can talk reforms. But what do you hear from the libs in power? “Egypt- we kept warning you over the last 30 years and now it’s too late!” Thank you libs, but I for one don’t want another Iran no matter what!