Reply To: How can we encourage more people to become active Shadchanim?

Home Forums Shidduchim How can we encourage more people to become active Shadchanim? Reply To: How can we encourage more people to become active Shadchanim?



you are 100% correct.

haven’t we discussed this before?

FYI- The newest community to launch the program we have discussed has had 20+ dates for slightly older girls set up in the last 2 weeks and 2 of them are already at date number 4.

simply put it works! and it keeps all the young people/start up shadchanm from qutiitng and thus we the potential of hundreds and hundreds more people reddig shidduchim … for the slighlty older girls!!!

here’s a email from a shadchan re: the program….

this idea is beyond words ..its truly incredible and i am gung ho non stop setting girls up .. the huge difference is its with complete simcha that i do it and it spills over in other areas of my life .. plus i am willing to do all the hand holding and guidance happily . a girl requested i go thru her closet to choose clothes for her dates . iam thrillled to do it !!! the spillover effect is enormous !!!!!

i seriously wake up excited each morning and feel my job is recognized and valuable.