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“Is there such a thing as a class in a regular non chassidish BY without kids that watch movies? Does it even exist in Lakewood?”

I would pretty seriously doubt that there is. And I’m not sure the Chassidim are doing so much better.

“It really bugs me that people don’t care and prefer not to know. Out of sight out of mind. We only wake up when it hits our own family Rachmana Litzlon.”

Unfortunately, far too true. We have to look around us and see what the current issues are, if only to protect those around us from them.


“If you ask the gedolim if you should spend your time learning or writing on YWN about all the problems in the frum world, what do you think they would say?”

There is such a thing as a kosher outlet… and if you don’t believe in them, what are you doing here?