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That Gemorrah doesn’t apply to people sitting and learning all day!

Why not? After all, the statement is said by an Amorah to an Amorah, who worked & did not learn full time?

There is a famous Maggid Mishna on the Ramabam that says one may not take money for learning (IIRC) that askes the question of “Kardom” i.e. how can people live off their learning? The answer given is that without it, Torah will not be learned to the requirements of what Klal Yisroel needs (that is how I understand it, others may differ).

AKA: Es Laasos L’Hahashem Heferu Torasecha.

So the Gemorah does apply to people who learn full time, we just choose to ignore the halacha based on other neccessities (as we do in other cases as well, such as writing the Mishna).

But people “forget” the gedorim involved.