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Q: How often is Divorce the better option for the entire family?
A: For the couple always, for the kids never.
I speak as a rebbi who sees these kids struggling immotionaly and socially. They are emabarrased every time anything is mentioned to do with marriage, they keep things bottled up, and suffer in silence, hoping no-one will notice.
At the moment I am involved with 10yr old boy, whose parents divorced because of violence. He has been thrown from pillar to post, is embarrased to go to shul because he has no daddy to sit next to, and is extremely quiet and reserved. My information only comes through the rov involved, who asked me keep an eye open for the poor kid!
Ask any adult who has dealings with kids and invariably they will say the kids suffer immensly.
I am not saying that divorce should never happen. Only the kids should be thought about.