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aries – “Bochur, you have a very good point. It is NOT an addiction, obviously they CAN live without it and will not go through withdrawal without it. It is a person who is not in control of his/her yetzer horah. And you can’t fault someone else for that.”

Like 1 day at a time said, you obviously don’t know anything about this kind of addiction. Since I put on a white-list filter on my internet (so as NOT to enable his addiction), he has experienced withdrawal.Yes, it’s getting better, but it was bad. point being – it IS an addiction. and an addiction IS someone who is not in control like you said. and no, you can’t fault someone else for the addiction but you may (and i didn’t say you should) fault someone for feeding the addiction. i.e. putting an alcoholic beverage in front of an alcoholic. of course. u didn’t cuase the person to be an alcoholic, but u did make things worse…

my take – i have no idea why women get defensive. either they are not comfortable enough with themselves that they feel a need to dress the way they do and/or they are not completely aware of how men tick. everyone else- let me clarify – i’m not saying that it’s the woman’s fault that the men look, but it may be their fault if the man looks again.