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One thing I remember from my daughter’s shidduch days was that a group of three girls would get together and each one would daven for another till they were all engaged. It is a segula for one to be makabel to daven for someone else in their situation. Please have this in mind.

Being happy and excited for your friend will open the rachmonus Hashem has for you and bring your shidduch sooner. Every shidduch must happen with the right one at the right time. “The right time” being the emphasis. My daughter-in-law just told me about a girl in my daughter’s class who just got engaged. She is 33 and had gone out with this guy 6 years ago. Obviously the time was not right 6 years ago but the time was right a month ago when they decided it was right!

You can’t force things to happen. We are not in charge and when we accept that and have ahavas yisroel and are truly, truly happy for the blessings Hashem bestows on our friends and on K’lal Yisroel then we emulate Hashem in all his goodness.

How would your BFF feel if you were first? Would she be jealous of you or would she treat you like the “sister” you are to her and be over the top happy for her? Don’t be mekaneh her, be happy for her and enjoy the practice run for when your turn comes.