Reply To: After the boy says yes…..

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee After the boy says yes….. Reply To: After the boy says yes…..


Do you think that, if true, the boy had a right to say yes to two girls at the same time and see which one said yes first?

Yes, I actually do. That’s the way things were done when I was in my dating years, and the process was so much easier for everyone. I would probably not be married to my husband had I not said yes to the first date, when he called me as I was leaving my office to prepare for a date with another guy (who turned out to be totally not for me). If I would have said no (with the honest excuse that I was “busy”), he most likely would not have called again to see if I was now free. In those days girls did not ask for a guy’s number to call him back, or text message, or tweet, or e-mail or anything. But I do know that girls did not sit around waiting for guys to get back to the shadchan with a reply. If another guy came along or another girl was suggested in the interim – the boys and girls went out with the newly-suggested people. If they became involved and the original guy finally got off his chair and made a decision, it was often too late for him.